This content requires the base application RPG Maker VX Ace on Steam in order
to run.
## About This Content
The sky’s the limit in this bountiful background pack! Add beautiful, scenic
cloudscapes to your game’s title screen, or stage awesome aerial battles.
Dramatic sunsets, calm blue skies, and heavenly lights can all be found in
this collection of two dozen high-res backgrounds. Also included: Lift your
spirits with the dramatic, soaring musical theme ‘Blue Yonder’ from composer
Joel Steudler!
* 24 backgrounds formatted for RPG Maker MV/MZ, RPG Maker VX Ace, and Visual Novel Maker
* 1920×1080, 1000×720, 816×624, 580×444, and 544×416 resolution edits
* all graphics in .png format
* musical theme ‘Blue Yonder’ in .ogg and .m4a format
Terms of Use:
* This pack is for use in RPG Maker Series or the engine of your choice.
* OK to be used in Commercial projects
* Contents can be edited
* OK for use in games with gore
* OK for use in adult-rated games