## Description
It’s spring in the meadow, and the bunnies are coming out. Waiting for them…
is the Roperunner! The player controls this curious character with his unusual
weapon, a kind of rope with a weight attached to the end of it. The Roperunner
moves according to the mouse pointer, but subtle mouse movements can also
influence in which direction he throws his rabbit-killing weapon, which
extends until it hits the edge of the playfield.
(These aren’t your garden-variety rabbits: touching them will deduct from the
Roperunner’s combined health/time-remaining bar, as will accidentally bringing
his rope into contact with an insidious metal decoy rabbit. This vital essence
is topped off by collecting red gems left in the wake of slain bunnies.)
Periodically a hedgehog will canter across the screen — catching him with the
Roperunner’s cord will leave a bomb behind, which clears the screen of