Rocket Robot – The Box Quest This is the first part of a story about a little robot. This Rocket Robot can fly and pick things, he can even swim a little bit, but not too deep. The Quest is simple, find and bring back all the boxes from the map. There are very important. You have got the control over the robot, so try not to break it, the Mothership would be angry. There are two different ways of controlling the Rocket Robot: accelerometer and joystick. Try both modes if you like, each mode should give different gameplay. This game is designed for mobile and tablets, the accelerometer mode is the main and suggested one but it can be changed to joystick. Depending if and how this Rocket Robot will or will not amuse You-the gamer, more seasons may come into the existence. Try not to be angry because of lack of levels. There are no birds in the skies yet so you are clear to take off, but be aware of the Crabs, and have fun! This game took it inspiration from the old UGH game, once popular
Rocket Robot was developed by RebelCloud, Released in 2013-12-27
Rocket Robot was Released on Android
Rocket Robot is a Single Player game