Robot Wars 2: Extreme Destruction
Robot Wars 2: Extreme Destruction brings together all the elements of the
TV show. Players can design and build their own robots, drawing upon a
database of body parts, armour, engines, wheels and weapons. Once complete,
battle can commence. The game also features a quick-start pick-up-and-play
function, so gamers can select from a range of pre-built robots and get
straight to the realistic 3-D action in new and improved arenas including
desert outpost, sub-zero station, iron foundry and acid factory.
There are 10 different game types, including robot football and sumo
competitions. The RefBot oversees the destruction, while the most popular of
the US robots and a range of new competitor robots join the fray. With the use
of a link cable, GBA Roboteers can fight one another across the variety of 3-D
landscapes; with secret component stores unlocked by successful play, Extreme
Destruction includes the ability to trade rare weapons and useful robot body
parts with other players, the ultimate goal being to find all the parts to the
mythical Gold Robot.