Road of the Dead 2
This game puts the player behind the welding mask of a tough guy busy souping
up his ride in his garage when he hears the emergency broadcast signal
interrupt his tunes on the radio and learns that the zombie apocalypse is at
hand. The officials issue a statement ordering martial law, instructing
citizens to remain indoors behind locked doors at risk of being shot on sight,
but our hero knows that it’s better to live fast and die young to ensure that
you leave a good-looking corpse. Getting the Hell out of Dodge, he hops into
his sweet wheels and plots the straightest course between home and the rural
wilderness where he can hole up and wait the coming troubles out like a
survivalist instead of a sitting duck.
The most direct route between these two points would typically be a straight
line, and the highway from hell is indeed a straightway with no exits… but
it is cluttered with lurching zombies, panicking civilians, and the abandoned
cars and burned-out wrecks they formerly drove, along with a wide array of
detritus and half-deployed traffic redirection equipment. Provided the player
maintains enough speed, ramming the zombies is a straightforward enough affair
(regular use of the wipers to sluice the gore off the windshield helps with
visibility, as does crashing into water-filled traffic barriers) but points
are lost for mulching folks who aren’t yet undead and running over a zombie
too slowly can result in them taking up an ominous and view-obstructing
position on the car’s hood. Complicating things, the military is taking their
quarantine order very seriously, and deploy increasing forces against this
wild card who keeps blasting through their zombie containment barriers in his
car, starting with grunts shooting at the car and escalating to tire spike
belts, helicopters and carpet bombing.
The game has four multi-stage scenarios, each of which must be completed
before unlocking the next. Adding to the addiction factor, players’
accomplishments in one escape attempt can be used to upgrade the car’s
toughness for future attempts.