## Description
_Riverside Explorer: version 1.0_ is an educational CD-ROM title published by
the UK’s Environment Agency and distributed free to any school that requested
it. The title fits into the UK National Curriculum Key Stages 2 & 3 and
contains data from a national survey of over four and a half thousand river
sites in England and Wales.
In addition to the data are activities in which students can test their
knowledge of riverside habitats by completing a river survey and comparing
their answers with those of the professional surveyor. There are two classes
of survey, starter and intermediate, and the CD allows the player/pupil to
practise each in five different yet typical riverside locations. There are ten
questions in the Starter Survey and eleven in the Intermediate Survey – some
of them two part questions. All the answers are multiple choice and in some
cases more than one answer is correct. Before answering the player / pupil has
the opportunity to access helpful notes. After every question the player/pupil
checks their answers with those of the professional surveyor before
continuing. At the end of the survey the players environmental score for the
location is compared to that of the surveyor, these results can be printed.