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Rituals of the old was developed by Star and Serpent
Rituals of the old was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux
Rituals of the old is a Single & Multiplayer game
## About the game and the backstory
The **Rituals of the old** is an easily customizable sandbox multiplayer voxel building game with stories and adventure plus a well designed modding API.
Rituals of the old takes place in the distant past of mankind. In the last 100 000 years the humanity has spread throughout the galaxy, progressing and regressing in an endless cycle of war and disaster. Countless of civilizations have risen and fallen to dust, forgotten forever.
It is yet again the end of the era of enlightenment.
Our story begins on a small and unadvanced planet untouched by war. Generations have passed since the fall of the great galactic imperium in a war of attrition against infighting factions and the technologically superior technoharmadan – both civilizations now extinquished by atomic sparks.
The fall of the Great Galactic Imperium has freed the simple people of Koto from a life serfdom and servitude. Hushed whispers of social change are spreading slowly. The worship of the old gods once banned by the cult of the immortal sun emperor is being resurrected in secret. Brigands and dark creatures have been seen in the countryside. There have even been rumors about the resurrection of… the rituals of the old.
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## Technology and other details
The technology in the game is a mix of medieval, modern and futuristic with the main focus on medieval. You might for example see a guard wearing a chain mail armor scouting the perimeter of a town wielding an energy weapon, one of the very last few of it’s kind.
The items and technology that you mostly see in the game are items like swords and old tools. There will be blacksmiths, tailors, bakers, windmills, etc.
And of course there will be ritual magic and ancient creatures. But magic and witchcraft are taboos and witches are burnt on stake.
You will see bandits, brigands, guilds, religions, strange languages, otherworldly spirits, farm animals, wild animals and other creatures.
The mood of the game is that of a melancholy beauty. Not dark but not too sugary either.
The game is semi-realistic as a rule and the difficulty is hard but not artificially so and without too much grinding. You will need others to survive.
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