Early into the 24th century man was on the verge of extinction. Before stellar
colonization, war loomed close on Earth as its people cried out in their
millions for food. Then, we were visited.
The Krellans came to our aid like avatars from the far reaches of space to
teach us their way to live with ourselves in union.
With them, the Krellans brought a new wave of technology, unprecedented
medicine, and best of all, the wisdom of peace. Farming and agricultural needs
were met and bettered with their help in our colonisation plans. No more would
man starve or fight for an acre of corn.
Our new found friends slowly led us away from Earth and taught us the ways to
perfect terra-forming techniques to solve our ever constant population and
resource needs. Since the Krellans first made contact with man many new worlds
have echoed to the sound of man’s foot fall and we now stand at the threshold
of the entire galaxy. In this, man’s new hour we live as man was
The year is 2425. This is the golden age of man, a time of hope. But given
time, any foundation can crumble…
A first person SciFi-Simulation … as an young rookie pilot you have to prove
yourself in 11 campaigns, each with 4 highly strategic missions. You have
hatred in your heart and become driven by one compulsion … RETRIBUTION !