## Story
Whether you seek glory, power or peace, you have come to the land of Ashdeen.
The land that decades ago was the center of a great conflict between The imperium and the Orcish hordes.
When men first came to Ashdeen it belonged to Orcs, Goblins, Trolls and the greenskin like.
Humans came in search of fabled artifacts once belonging to an ancient race that lived below the ground.
Orcs were enraged that humans came to their lands claiming the artifacts for their own use. War was declared!
Fierce bloody battles were waged, but none could really claim to be the victor.
An uneasy peace Was signed between the humans and the greenskins, and now all the races of Ashdeen live in a fragile peace governed by orcs and humans.
Now the efforts are once again focused on excavating the ruins of the ancient civilization that had vanished so long ago.
Powerful artifacts, strange ruins and forgotten languages are discovered during the first expeditions.
Elves and a few other races fear that there is something sinister in the depths, and further expeditions should be stopped.
But who knows what will be found amongst the fragments of the past…
Remnants** : Fragments Of The Past is an **CRPG** that I have been working on for over a year.
It’s currently going through alpha testing and hopefully soon so that you can test it your self.
### Forum is now up, so you can ask any questions you have there
## **Alpha Test Version 2**
link in the title above
Alpha test version 2 released 31 of May
**Update 8.9.2012**
-loot tables improved again
-New types of chest sprites
( and you now know from chest appearance if it might contain better loot )
-Fixed issue with no rings or amulets dropping from chests
**Update 7.7.2012**
-Made a portrait for fire mage
-Updated old character portrait graphics
-Nade some newtiles and the like
**Update 2.7.2012** ( sorry for the lack of updates, I have been chilling. Its summer you know =D )
\- New wand skill: powerblast
\- New tiles
\- Improved Effects for few things, like radiation
**Update 28.6.2012**
-Fixes for the new ranged skills, like legshot wont work on creatures with no legs =D
-Randomization in rogue mode improves
-New objects
**Update 25.6.2012**
-Some new graphics
-Combat skill bugg fixes mainly ranged skills
-New ranged skills: Volley, Legshot
-New Enemy: Swamp Mite
**Update 20.6.2012**
-Character portrait for wulf
-Character portrait for Dryad
**Update 18.6.2012**
-Infinite hunt quests (finally got it working) you can take hunts from Wulf at Kerim.
(in hunts you hunt amount of creatures within certain time to get a reward)
can only be done once in 14 days
**Update 13.6.2012**
-Brazier light
-Npc:s might carry torches and lanters at night
**Update 10.6.2012**
-Tree fires can be put out
-New enemy: Iron golem
-Enemies now have unarmed attack animations
-Few misc fixes
-Dwarf npc:s speak old english way
-New objects
-Some wooden objects can also start burning
-Radioactivity added caused by magium ore
**Update 8.6.2012**
-Fixed spelling errors
-NPC:S iddle chat rarely
-Some trees have a change of apples (food) droped when hit
-Poison-, acid spit and web now have a travel length
-Trees can caught fire and burn
**Update 31.5.2012**
(Final countdown update before Alpha2 test version )
-Lots of new npc:s and vendors
-Bounty hunter paladins might come after you if you have too much bounty on your head
-Fixes to rogue mode
-Fixes to sneaking
-More tips to tutorial
-2 New ores, thou they only give crowns now when mined
**Update 29.5.2012**
-Traveling spell vendor for Rogue and normal game
### **The game currently features:**
**-Open world** , huge world map to explore
**-Day,night and weather effects** , snowing and raining affect accuracy and many other aspects like resistances, water slows you down and it’s har to see enemies in the dark as it lowers detection range
**-Tutorial:** Game has a short tutorial which will be improved later on
**-Crafting:** craft drinkable and throwable potions like: holy water, poison bomb, healing potion, mana potion,… craft bombs from gunpowder keggs
**-Intelligent AI:** enemies cast spells, use
potions, use ranged and if you are too close melee weapons, open doors,
patrol areas, set traps, chase you if they see you, run away if they are weak…
**-28 Character classes** to choose from like: Trolls, Orcs, Humans, Vampires, Ghouls, Goblins, Half-Ogres, Elfs, Dwarfs….
**-Character classes actually play differently:** Vampires use health as mana and drain life, Ogres have a rage meter, dryads have poison attacks, dwarves can use runes… etc
**-26 Spells** like: Fire breathing, tangling vines, holy bolt, acid arrow, bless, fear, ring of fire…. and more to come
**-Lots of combat skills** like, set trap, piercing strike, ghost run, quick stabb, etc…
**-Other abilities:** first aid, tinkering, spot, etc…
**-Randomization:** Items and dungeon objects are randomized, you never know whats inside a chest or whats waiting behind a corner.
**-About 1000 weapon variations** ( including: Bows, Crossbows, Axes, Swords, Daggers, Hammers, trowing weapons, magic wands, runes,… )
**-Other gear** ( armors, potions, scrolls, shields, helmets, boots, rings, amulets etc… )
**-Many Different enemies** ( skeletons, slimes, spiders, ghosts, shadows, bandits, beetles, bats, lizardmen, branchlings, revenants, balongs, mummies, orcs… )
**-Enemies have variations** like: skeleton mage, skeleton warrior, orc archer, orc warrior, vampire bat, cave bat, Kohra, Balong… many variations each…
**-Minibosses:** Randomly generated enemy minibosses
**-Random map encounters** : swamp areas, forest, snow covered areas… etc
**-Sight** : You cant see enemies unless they
are in your sight, you can hear enemies behind the walls or sometimes
behind you then they are indicated with an question mark,
**-Hidden areas** , Secret doors, buried treasure, hidden traps,
**-Food:** You need food for resting, be warned thou some food can be rotten or mouldy
**-Inventory** : sell items in towns, carry extra stuff, potion slots and stack etc..
**-Minigames** : Dice game to be playd in taverns, gauntlet to compete in and a game modes Zombie arena and Rogue!
**-Traits:** If you want you can choose a trait in the beginning to further modify your character
**-You can save and load your game**
**-Many towns**
**-Many different shops** ( taverns, blacksmiths, alchemist, chapel, etc… )
**-Many places to visit** , dungeons, ruins, graveyards, cities, villages, caves,…
**-You can level up and train your skills** , 8 different magic skills and 8 other skills
**-Traps** : bear traps, fire traps, saw blades, ballistas, fire spinners… etc
**-interactive world** : Doors can be broken,
torches lit or put out, switches turn on and off with arrows, objects
can be set on fire, set oil to fire and watch enemies burn, chests can be bashed… many
**Planned features:**
-Dual wielding??????
-Stop start combat function ??
– Gloves **Started**
-Wall shadows **Done**
-You can set your own key binds
-Weapon hit range is shown **Done**
-Make better tutorial
-Finish and add more quests **started**
-Node areas
-Monthy events
-Hotseat for Rogue and Undead Horde
-Water **Done**
-Finnish all towns and shops
– Make more lore **Started**
-More gamemodes: like pure Rogue **Done**
-Add perk system **Started**
-Everyone has a starting quest and location
-Improve conversation engine **Started**
-More character classes, make every character class even more different
-Even more specified conditions to items and weapons and a lot more **Started**
-Animations for ranged weapons
– More weapons, items, objects, enemies, spells, skills, artifacts,… **Started**
– And draw a lot of stuff **Well I laways do this =D**
Remnants: Fragments Of The Past was developed by Wanhus
Remnants: Fragments Of The Past was Released on Windows
Remnants: Fragments Of The Past is a Single Player game