## Description
_RedCat Spookkasteel_ is a Dutch game in which RedCat (famous from
educational games for primary school students) has to go on an adventure to a
scary castle to save his girl friend Kitty. She has been abducted by an evil
witch who plans to steal her beauty. He is aided in his journey by a small
fairy creature that claims to be a princess who was also affected by the
witch’s magic. In order to reach his goal RedCat has to fight off enemies like
spiders, skeletons and walking harnesses as well as the franchise’s two main
villains: Brutus and Max.
The player must journey through scary forest and explore the castle in order
to find hearths that replenish his or her health and potions which can upgrade
RedCat’s powers. Besides enemies there are also hazards like water and pits
that get into the way, getting past these obstacles requires the player to
platform his way across. The enemies meanwhile can be taken care of with the
endless amount of magic balls RedCat can fire from his paws.