## Description
When the “EWS” Hyperspace Test Ship begins to malfunction, you are suddenly
dropped into a sea of deadly asteroids without the aid of navigation data.
Your weapons and hyperdrive systems still work, but all you have now are both
your skills and quick reflexes in order to stay alive. UFOs also lurk in the
darkest reaches of space and all they want is see you dead, but those who did
not have the luck of surviving left weapon packs behind to help those unlucky
who are following the very same footsteps that led previous space travelers to
their own demise…
Rebooteroids is to Asteroids what Tempest 2000 was to the original Tempest.
Simple yet easy to grasp, the game features multiple modes to play through
such as a versus mode for two people and a classic-style mode emulating the
game that inspired it.