Raging:The Game is a small game about making your pain and everything bad you feel inside go away in minutes and feel much better. Features: 1 (will be more) village to take down in a gamemode called Ruin The Town! 3 button smasher minigame called Rage Out just to make you feel better. 2 Slaughter minigame what is about murdering the people who are coming towards you to take you down. Currently 9 archievements, will be lot more later on. About Me I am a 16 years old wanna be developer, and i am spending most of my time in front of my computer, trying to reach my dream goals of being a succesfull game developer. I made this game all alone by myself in 2 months, it was quite difficult, but i managged to get something out of it. I know this is by far not the best game out there on itch, or anything but this is my very first game that i’ve made and i would like to share it with you guys.
Raging: The game was developed by Simiroli12, Released in 2016-08-07
Raging: The game was Released on Windows
Raging: The game is a Single Player game