Pug with Bomb is a game in the genre of the Bomberman series, where the player uses bombs to make his way to collect keys and destroy enemies, simultaneously finding bonuses from blown up wooden walls, which can make it easier for him to play or vice versa to kill.
## About This Game
A little pug got into a dungeon and the only thing he had at hand for escape
was a bomb. And with the help of it, he will fight his way to freedom,
collecting keys on the levels and destroying the guardian cats.
Pug with Bomb is a game in the genre of the Bomberman series, where the player
uses bombs to make his way to collect keys and destroy enemies, simultaneously
finding bonuses from blown up wooden walls, which can make it easier for him
to play or vice versa to kill.
Features of the game:
\- Bomberman
\- Visual Style
\- Music