Proto Type
This touch-typing tutorial includes a few games to help players practice when
they’re not taking lessons. The first, “Touch Typing Tests,” simply involves
typing sentences quickly. The second, “Tic-Tac-Toe,” gives the player a Tic-
Tac-Toe board. Each turn, he or she selects a square and is given a sentence
to type. If the sentence is typed quickly enough and contains no errors, the
square is won; otherwise, it is given to the computer. The final game,
“ESCAPE,” has the player running away from an enemy. A letter always appears
in the box in front of the player. Typing this correctly sends the player
forward, but making a mistake sends the player back. If the enemy catches the
player before the end of the course is reached, all is lost. Each of these
games features adjustable difficulty levels.