Time has stopped! Day and Night no longer move and stay in their place! Environmental catastrophe is wreaking havoc across the world, help out the people of Perpetia and restore balance to the world! Craft items, complete quests, battle enemies and adventure to the Castle of Time!
## About This Game
## What is Project Dagger?
Project Dagger is an Open World RPG featuring a cute and vibrant pixel art
style inspired by games like Cube World and Delver. Meet and help friendly
characters with quests, explore a dozen different zones, battle fierce
enemies, level up your skills, choose attributes to define your playstyle,
take down bosses, as well as, collect and craft items ranging from potions,
savory meals, weapons, and armor.
## Features
* Craft weapons, armor, potions, food, and other items to benefit you in your journey
* Melee and Ranged combat featuring maces, daggers, swords, staves, and bows
* Skill based combat so the more you use a weapon the more damage you deal
* No player level, instead you level up your skills as you do basic tasks like attacking and crafting
* Attribute system to build and progress your character the way you want it
* Earn gold by completing quests or killing enemies to buy goods from the various shopkeepers
* Talk to over a hundred different NPCs, accept quests and travel the world as you help out towns and individuals
* Buff food and potions to give you temporary advantages and bonuses
* Semi-seamless open world to explore
* Story rich zones
* Linear storyline but a non-linear gameplay experience, travel wherever you want whenever you want at no cost to your progression
## Gathering and Crafting
is a big part of Project Dagger, while you can buy armor and weapons from
merchants and find armor and weapons from the enemies you kill, the best of
the best is going to be from what you craft. While recipes are locked behind
skills our system makes it intuitive for getting to the appropriate skill
levels to craft items that will be a benefit to you. Also cooking food to heal
you in difficult situations and potions to work as a utility to give you
better shop prices with a Potion of Charm that raises your Charisma or even
help you do better in combat by crafting a Potion of Greater Strength. Project
Dagger is full of ways to level out the playing field and make you feel like
an unstoppable force in your battles.
## Buying and Selling
items are the main ways to spend and receive gold in Project Dagger, every
town has a merchant and you can even find merchants wandering around or
setting up shop on paths less traveled. Merchants can sell anything from
armor, weapons, potions, food, and even items necessary for completing quests
and crafting.
## Attributes and Skills
Attributes and Skills are the main ways of progressing in Project Dagger, each
quest you complete gives you 1 attribute point to be applied in any way you
* Vitality – Max Health
* Defence – Damage reduction
* Strength – Melee Damage increase
* Wisdom – Magic Damage increase
* Dexterity – Ranged Damage increase
* Charisma – Better shop prices
* Luck – Chance for extra drops and chance for double experience gain
* Critical Strike Chance – Gives you a % chance to deal extra damage beyond the confines of what your weapon allows
Skills which are leveled up by what you do, things like dagger skill, sword
skill, mace skill, herbalism, alchemy, blacksmithing, etc… are all
influenced by your actions rather than a contribution of points. The higher
your skill for crafting skills means unlocking more recipes, higher herbalism
skill means able to pick more rare and more powerful herbs. Higher dagger and
weapon skills means you deal extra damage on top of your attribution points
and what the weapon itself does damage wise.
* Swords
* Maces
* Daggers
* Magic
* Archery
* Herbalism
* Mining
* Cooking
* Crafting
* Alchemy
## Dialog and Quests
All quests in the game are given by people you talk to, these can range in
anything from clearing a farm of bandits, taking out a giant forest spider
infestation, or even finding a rare flower for a villager to propose to their
love with. Dialog is a very useful tool as it helps with learning about the
world, what to expect in new lands and locations, as well as the relationship
between villagers and towns.
Quests only have a few variations. There are collection quests, kill quests,
and talking quests. However, quests in how to accomplish their goal will vary
widely in your journey leading to interesting and unique experiences with a
similar goal from one another.
## Day and Night have stopped!
The King of Time has turned on Humanity, a continent stuck in day and a
continent stuck in night, how will you help stop the environmental destruction
and save the world?
## The world is yours for the taking.
Explore and Adventure through a multitude of zones and explorable areas.
Anything from open plains, mountainous volcanic regions, caves, mineshafts,
dungeons, and even the sewers underneath the ruins of cities like Vanguard
Keep! Every nook and cranny is full of hidden artifacts and creatures to meet!
## The King of Time!
The King of Time is the ruler of the lands, his role in keeping the clockwork
balance of Day and Night is important for the ecological balance in the world.
Now that Day and Time are stuck, Desertification from constant sunlight is
destroying farms and spreading across the continent destroying towns and
cities in it’s path! The constant night time on the Undertow has led to snow
taking the place of farms and monsters have become emboldened leading to the
destruction of the world!
## Battle a variety of fierce monsters!
While not every living and breathing creature you see is hostile, there are a
lot of unique hostile monsters and people to fight in Project Dagger! Melee
and Ranged combat are at your disposal! Fight anything from Feral Mushkins,
Slimes, and even Bandits and Highwaymen roaming roads less traveled. Always be
on guard!
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