Incredible in-game editor! Edit teams, players, even uniforms! Multiple careers at the same time! Fully customizable rules! Complete game play by play! Improved playcalling!
## About This Game
Welcome to the 2020 evolution of Pro Strategy Football!
* FULL IN GAME EDITOR! Edit every attribute of every player, team, and league, right in the game! Edit colors and images!
* New “Quick Set” features let you immediately set all ratings for a single player, offense, defense, or even a whole team!
* Run multiple careers at the same time! (Single Season campaigns, too!)
* FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE RULES! Including the 2019 college overtime rules option!
* Complete Play by Play lists EVERY play of every game! And you can save it to disk for your own leagues!
* Improved playcalling screens! Settings options to display ratings and/or names of key players right there on the diagram!
PSF has long been a dream game and tool for people who love coaching football,
and now it’s taken an explosive jump forward with the superior in-game editor!
Ever wanted to create a dominant team of all stars? Maybe create a league with
the best teams of the 60s (or 70s or maybe multiple decades)? Now you can!
Edit every facet of the league as a whole, every team, and every player!
“Quick Set” options let you immediately set all a player’s attributes, but it
doesn’t stop there! There are also “Quick Set” options to immediately set all
attributes for the whole offense, whole defense, even the whole team!
And with the new COMPLETELY CUSTOMIZABLE RULES, create a league with your
favorite college teams! Easily set your favorite team to all Superior ratings!
You can set the rules for the league, for the career (which you can change
each season), and even for each Quick Play game. The new customizable rules
allow flexibility in setting quarter lengths, overtime rules, and more!
AND you can now edit each team’s UI colors, helmets, endzones, and even their
animation sprites / uniforms! Choose from various shoulder sets, helmets,
legs, stripes, etc, and choose your own colors!
Of course, the meat of Pro Strategy Football has always been its realism and
coaching, and that’s still there, but now there’s an improved play calling
screen! You can now see the ratings and names of key players, and when on
offense, you can even try to guess the defensive formation and try to target
their weakest defender!
Also new this year is Play by Play! Viewable during the game or after the game
is complete, this displays every single play of the game, and you can save the
full play by play to disk!
Management and Career options are here, too! Trade current and future draft
picks, shuffle your roster, choose which team drills to emphasize, and build
your players! Make tough decisions on whether to keep your favorite player
who’s starting to slow down a bit.
In fact, this year you can have MULTIPLE careers at the same time! You can
also have multiple Single Season campaigns happening. Have a career where your
team is Dallas and another where you’re the Patriots! No limits!
For people new to Pro Strategy Football, it’s built around a simulation engine
rather than arcade play. In fact, the animation you see is really a
choreography of the results that were calculated using ratings, weather,
“dice” etc. Built around a complex and realistic engine, PSF is the most
accurate simulation of coaching in American Football. Play the way YOU want to
play – coach, manage, watch simulations. Create quick match ups, or play a
season campaign, or build your team in GM/Career play and mix and match your
GM and coaching skills however you want!
PSF 2020, as in every version of Pro Strategy Football, NEVER has the AI
cheating – never has, never will. Crazy, frustrating things happen in real
life, and they’ll happen in PSF, but you’ll catch good breaks, too, and this
kind of real life realism makes every game exciting and nerve-wracking!
Select Basic level to play a relaxing game or choose Advanced to control every
aspect of every play – who to motion, who to blitz or double team, how to
shift your line, everything! And in-game help describes every feature, so you
can learn football while you play! Coach, sim, or even watch a simulated game
PSF is nirvana for stats junkies! View team and player histories, past
seasons, game stats, season stats, career stats, leaders across dozens of
categories, and more!
Minimum System Requirements | ||
CPU | Intel Pentium 3, Intel Core, AMD Athlon 1 GHz+ | |
RAM | 512 MB RAM | |
OS | Windows 10 and above | |
Graphics Card | minimum resolution: 1366x768 | |
HDD Space | 320 MB available space |
Minimum System Requirements | ||
CPU | Any | |
RAM | 512 MB RAM | |
OS | MacOS 10.13 and above | |
Graphics Card | minimum resolution: 1366x768 | |
HDD Space | 320 MB available space |