## Description
_Prikljuchenija poruchika Rzhevskogo (The adventures of First Lieutenant
Rzhevsky)_ is a 2D point-and-click adventure game loosely based on a popular
character of the Russian jokes, a hussar of Napoleonic era. It rather supposes
that a son of this character, also hussar with the same title, has a similar
behavior of libertine.
The protagonist is a hussar Poruchik Rzhevsky. Accompanied by his servant
Samson, one morning he reads in a newspaper that his father has died. This
event may help him to drink the inheritance away, but he finds out that his
mysterious double has already gotten the inheritance. So Poruchik is trying to
find out who this double is, catch him, cut him to pieces with his sabre, and
return the inheritance back. During the game set in Belle Epoque various
fictional or real characters will be met or mentioned such as Georges Sand,
Petka and Vasiliy Ivanovich Chapayev, Raskolnikov, Casanova, Captain Nemo etc.
Most of the time Poruchik Rzhevsky is guided between static or side-scrolling
screens, collecting or using the scattered items, and talking to characters to
gain more items or information. The cursor has states (walk / see / get /
talk) auto-selected on hovering over an interactive spot.