## Description
_Prigodi Pionerki Kseni_ (The Adventures of Ksenia the Young Pioneer) is an
unofficial stand-alone total conversion of The Adventures of Captain Comic
made by Yuri Lesiuk, a programmer from Chernihiv, Ukraine. While the game
mechanics remain the same, all graphics and levels had been replaced with
“images familiar to the Soviet people” in the author’s own words. The plot of
the game is as follows: Ksenia, a Young Pioneer girl, travels through the
various locations of the planet Pioneria and overcomes obstacles in order to
find Captain Comic.
_Ksenia_ was created as a demonstration of software reverse-engineering, a
topic on which Yuri Lesiuk published a number of papers in the local computer
programming magazine, _Programmistskie Vedomosti_ (“The Programmers’
Newsletter”). Yuri Lesiuk analysed the file formats of the game and wrote
tools to edit graphics, levels and data archives; these tools were also
supplied as part of the demonstration sample.