## Description
_Pretend You’re Xyzzy_ is a web version of the card-based party game _Cards
Against Humanity_. As in the original game, players choose one or more white
response cards from their hand to suit a black prompt card that is drawn each
round. Both prompts and responses tend towards the darkly humorous side, and
an appointed judge, who is different each round and cannot play their own
cards whilst judging, picks the response that they find the most humorous or
politically incorrect. The person who played the chosen card(s) receives a
point, and the first player to reach a chosen point threshold wins the game.
The game includes all sets and expansions from _Cards Against Humanity_ ,
which can be mixed and matched at will, as well as the option to include blank
cards for players to write in an answer of their own. Integration with
Cardcast is also supported, allowing a game host to add custom card sets to
the mix.