## Description
_Preferans_ is a card game popular in Russian speaking countries. In this 3
player game the aim is to get as many points as possible. Each player is given
10 cards and must place a bet on how many cards he’d be able to get and what
the trump suit will be. As soon as the highest bet has been made, the player
who won the bet gets 2 cards and must discard 2 cards from his pile. Then, the
player bets once more and if their opponents decided to whist, they need to
fulfill their bet while other players think of how to get them to take less
cards than what the person bet for. In case nobody’s placed any bets the
players must take as less cards as possible to win more points. Another
possible bet is the misere. Players that make this bet must not take any card
to win it, otherwise they’ll receive a harsh penalty.
This version of Preferans has the AI use algorithms by notable Preferans
players and book authors.
The main mode of the game is a Journey mode where players start with playing
against weak opponents and slowly get to play with more challenging ones.
There’s also a Gym mode where players can practice playing the game against
any of the available opponents, as well as replay any unlucky deal.
What sets this game apart from the other games are the characters modeled
after famous characters from local and foreign folklore, literature and
movies. Players may also make an offer (e.g. I’ll take 7 sets of cards) to
speed up the game and avoid spending time taking each and every card.