In the distant future deep into space humanity discovered a new state of matter, contained by a mysterious stasis field, that could be used to create any kind of matter and energy. Some believed this state of matter is what existed in the early stages of the universe and named it the archegon phase.
By creating exotic matter,anti-matter and force carrier particles directly from the archegon they could potentially use it to manipulate spacetime and create massive amounts of energy.
However the process of creating different kinds of energy and matter from the archegon was not efficient due to limitations of their technology which made the extraction of the archegon from the stasis field extremely difficult.
A new discovery was about to change this…
POWER STRIFE is a real time strategy game I created with Epic games’ Unreal Development Kit.
The purpose of the game is to gather resources, construct a base, create more units and research upgrades to engage your enemies in combat and destroy them or complete various mission objectives to emerge victorious.
**I added the game in Steam Greenlight concepts, if you like it please vote for it**
Steam Greenlight :: POWER STRIFE
**New update coming soon using new optimized code**
Several Months ago I decided to “discard” the old code and start coding all over again
because it was messy and full of ugly hacks.
The new code is more efficient and organized better.
I also implemented 1v1 multiplayer.
**A new version of the game will be ready in a month or two
expect the following changes:**
\- Better optimization
\- Smooth mouse pointer movement
\- Smooth camera movement
\- Improved AI and pathfinding
\- 1v1 multiplayer
\- A new faction
\- A few gameplay related changes
\- New 3d Models
\- More Dense/Detailed Terrain
\- New Settings Menu with many options
**Things that will be available in the complete game**
> improved graphics
> at least 8 races and campaigns for most of them (perhaps all of them)
> more damage types and effects
> more units / structures techs to research
> multiplayer support
> save system
> areas that provide cover
> more skirmish maps
> archegon powers
and more
**An incomplete list of the units that will be available in the complete game**
Labor Drone, Troop, Missile Infantry,
Engineer, Medic, Saboteur,
Sniper, Battle Mech , Plasma Tank,
Missile Tank , Starhawk, Bomber Aircraft,
Siege Tank , Tech Wizard, Rescuer,
Heavy Plasma Infantry,
Bounty Hunter
Servant, Motivator, Gunner,
Flamethrower, Canon, Surgeon,
Troglodyte, Hellhound, Berserker,
Devastator, Wartitan, Bomber,
Tyrant, Cyborg
Nanoconstructor Orb, Pulse Gunners, Heavy Infantry,
Frostray Infantry, Elder, Airfighter,
Assault Saucer, Mothership, Lightning Tank,
Walker, Interceptor, Ward Orb,
Ranger, Druid, Hunter,
Warrior, Dryad, DragonFly,
Devilfish, Beast, Sabertooth,
Shadow, Airfighter, Nautilus
Labor Drone, Assault Droid, Battle Mech,
Hunter Bot, Security Drone, Self Destruct Drone,
Sky Turret, Sky Mine Layer, Missile Drone,
Crossfire, Heavy Mech,
Bomber, Airfighter
** Enzyme Carrier Worm, Arachnoid, Infector,
Gasbag, Reaper, Eradicator,
Underminer, Toxin Bomber, Winged Claw,
Morpher, Scourge Lord, Bioelectric Accumulator,
Bioelectric Drones, Infernal Maw, Incendiary Worms
** Slave, Slave-master, Droid,
Eagle Droid, Priest, Vulture,
Scorpion Tank, Sentry, Centaur,
Sentinel, Solar Storm, Harpy,
Battleship, Awoken King, Mastermind,
Gatekeeper, Shadow Wurm,
Leech, Reverent,
Dark Sphere, Soul Devourer,
Time Bender, Wraith Fighter,
Dark Scorpion
POWER STRIFE was developed by StormLord.
POWER STRIFE was Released on Windows
POWER STRIFE is a Single Player game
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