## Description
_Potty Painter In The Jungle_ is a single player action game with puzzle
Bizarrely, considering the name of the game, the player takes the role of a
gorilla. The gorilla is being hunted and must elude his captors. If successful
they then do battle with the fearsome ‘Teddy Twins’.
The game takes place on a grid with irregularly sized rectangles. Each
rectangle has a score associated with it. By going around all four sides of
the shape the player gets the score it contains. The objective here is to
score on all squares.
Having survived this phase of the game the player then progresses to the
second part of the game where they must guide a teddy bear towards a banana.
The third and final part of the game is similar to the first part but here the
player takes the role, not of a gorilla but of a paint roller and the hunters
are teddy bears.