The game takes place on planets that are located in a far far away galaxy. The surface of these planets is covered entirely with water. Our hero Ploppy lives on one of these planets. Ploppy is a friendly and a somewhat clumsy little creature. And ever since he was little he dreamt about traveling to other planets. When he was a child there was a story that changed his life and gave him 3 new friends. This was his birthday and his present was a ROCKET that he dreamed so long about. Ofcourse he ran straightaway outside and tried to launch it. He managed it on his first try. He controlled the rocket as if he were an ace and he had been controlling rockets all his life. While playing, Ploppy noticed an underwater butterfly. Like any teenager, he was a bit of a hooligan and he tried to scare the butterfly. A slight touch of the remote control and the rocket flew after the butterfly, shooting out bubbles from its engines, Ploppy in close pursuit. Suddenly Ploppy tripped and the remote control flew from his hands. The out of control rocket plummeted into a crevasse that was near Ploppy’s house and disappeared in the murky depths.When he understood what happened Ploppy was very sad and he started to cry. His cries attracted the attention of three unusual inhabitants of this place – 3 bubbles appeared from a crevice below. They were no ordinary bubbles. They had eyes, they could attach themselves to objects using their special hands that looked like vortexes. Once they understood what had happened, the bubbles disappeared for a moment and soon brought the toy back to Ploppy. Ever since Ploppy and his 3 new friends were inseperable. They went to school together, then to college and became profound specialists in rocket building. When they grew up they decided to fulfill their dream of traveling to other planets and they built a rocket. The rocket was simply magnificent and the friends agreed to take it out immediately for a test run. They were in deep space whizzing by other planets when suddenly an asteroid hit their rocket causing a gaping gash in the fuel tank. Fuel, that resembles bundles of energy spheres, started leaking out at an alarming rate. They were forced to land immediately on one of the planets. Fixing the hole was not a problem, but where could they get the fuel to bring them back home? Ploppy noticed a small bubble with some fuel not far away. And here the game begins. Each level will have the main hero and his 3 friends. Using the bubbles the player will have to collect the fuel and deliver it to Ploppy. Each level box will contain 25 levels. After Ploppy and his friends collect all the fuel, they climb into the rocket and fly to another planet. The main goal of the game is to bring Ploppy home.
Ploppy Adventures was developed by BubLabTeam, Released in 2014-11-30
Ploppy Adventures was Released on iOS,iPad
Ploppy Adventures is a Single Player game