## Description
_Fallen Empire: Legions_ is inspired by the setting and the gameplay of
Tribes 2 and other titles in the series. This is the version of the game that
can be played on the social networking website Facebook. It is a singleplayer
version of the game where players go through Time Trials to achieve the
fastest times, while the separate version, called Fallen Empire: Legions and
hosted at InstantAction.com, is multiplayer-based with modes such as
Deathmatch and Capture the Flag. _PlayLegions_ can also be played separately
at InstantAction.com, away from the Facebook integration.
Armed with a rocket launcher and jetpack, players fly through gates in a 3D
world to achieve the fastest times. Successful use of the terrain and well-
timed boosts are key to get fluid movement. Once maximum velocity is reached,
overdrive can be triggered to send the player into a hyper speed vortex.
Players can compare their best times and challenge friends across six maps for
the number one spot on the leaderboards. In July 2009 the game offers eight