Ping Breaks Pong was developed by Martimus1, Released in 2018-08-10
Ping Breaks Pong was Released on Windows
Ping Breaks Pong is a Single Player game
**Ping Breaks Pong** is a combination of **Ping Pong** and **Breakout**!
**So what is this game about?**
The Ball is the biggest Enemy in this game you will face but also an Ki or Player opponent. Once the ball starts in the Level he will get a Damagescore wich will increase when it hits Blocks or different objects in the Level. Some Objects will influence the ball some will just change the direction some will increase the speed of the ball others might increase the Damagescore so high that it will kill in an instant. Health in this game is decreased when the ball goes outside the Level and it will be decreased by the Damagescore wich will be reset to 0 when a new ball spawns!
**A bit about the Controls!**
In this Game you will be able to play against a Ki Opponent or a Friend on your Keyboard/Controller. The Game is very simple and uses only two Keys to control the Paddle. You can change the Camera in the Singleplayer between 3 Options visuable in the Screenshots. You can also play with Controller but it must be set in the Control menu first! **It is s** **till in Development but** **… you can** **play it today on** !
I will post new Screenshots of new Level if I’m finished with a Level! Sofar I’m still looking for some more idears for level if you got some you can post them in the Level section post!
Sofar it will only be available for **Windows 64bit!** **Still Checking the Hardware Recommendations!**