## Description
### PlayStation Store Description
Blast off to the great beyond with the Sector X table. Locate your starship,
charge your fuel cells and explore the galaxy. Use your quick reflexes to fend
off hostile aliens and liberate Sector X from their tyrannical rule!
Live out fantasies of wealth and luxury with the Made of Money table. Maintain
your fame while fending off hordes of paparazzi. Switch sides with your
opponent to steal their fortune gathering on the Battle Table and go from rags
to riches!
1-2 players
713KB minimum save size
HDTV screen resolution: 720p, 1080i
Network Features
Download of this product is subject to the Sony Entertainment Network Terms of
Service/User Agreement and any specific additional conditions applying to this
product. If you do not wish to accept these terms, do not download this
product. See Terms of Service for more important information. One time fee for
use of downloads on up to 2 activated compatible Home Console* systems.
* See Terms of Service for further information.
Pinballistik (C) 2013 Creat Studios, Inc.