Crash blocks together into huge chain reactions in this frantic arcade action puzzler! Pick your favorite character and experience their tale in the Story Mode, solve tricky brain teasers and make your own in Puzzle Mode, shoot for high scores in Solo Play, or go head to head in Versus Mode!
## About This Game
Easy to learn and rewarding to master, Petal Crash is a brand new puzzle game
in the tradition of the arcade action puzzlers of the mid-90s. Like the games
that inspired it, Petal Crash features a variety of single player challenges
in addition to an intense head-to-head versus mode. The rules are simple –
push a block any direction, and it’ll keep going until it hits a wall or
another block. If it hits a block of the same color, the blocks will burst,
sending any other blocks next to them flying! Line them up just right to
create huge chain reactions, racking up points and burying your opponents in
Enter the land of Florea, a loosely-connected smattering of city-states where
people of many different fantasy races coexist with one another. Though the
land is divided, it’s said that it was once a united and prosperous country,
where the people enjoyed a lasting peace presided over by the seven Sacred
Blossoms, relics of great power assembled in the Royal Garden. How Florea came
to be divided is lost to history, and the legend of the scattered Sacred
Blossoms has turned to myth: whoever finds all seven and returns them to the
Royal Garden will receive their heart’s true desire.
Eons later, the Sacred Blossoms have each fallen into the hands of a different
individual: The fairy scholar Lilibri, the fiendkin delinquent Strelitz, human
tailor twins Penny & Deony, the dwarven treasure hunter Ore Kid, the beastkin
freelancer Daize, the legendary centaur dancer Yosoti, and the errant elven
knight Rosalia. Each of them has their own wish, and their own story to tell.
Challenge the Story Mode to take your chosen character through their tale,
challenging all the others in fierce puzzle battles to assemble all seven
Sacred Blossoms! Shoot for high scores in Solo Play, racing the clock or
rationing limited moves to get the highest rank you can! Solve puzzling brain-
teasers with limited moves in the Puzzle Mode, and make your own puzzles to
share with friends! Challenge another player or fight the CPU in Versus Mode,
racing to make clears and bury your opponent!
Minimum System Requirements | ||
CPU | 1.5Ghz or faster | |
RAM | 4 GB RAM | |
OS | Windows 10 | |
HDD Space | 200 MB available space |
Minimum System Requirements | ||
CPU | 1.5Ghz or faster | |
RAM | 4 GB RAM | |
OS | OSX Catalina | |
HDD Space | 200 MB available space |
Minimum System Requirements | ||
CPU | 1.5Ghz or faster | |
RAM | 4 GB RAM | |
OS | Ubuntu |