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Game mechanics: velvet room trailer
Game mechanics: infiltrating palaces trailer
Toranosuke yoshida trailer
Hifumi togo trailer
Sadayo kawakami trailer
Story trailer
Positively oozes style
Polished RPG mechanics
Great story and characters
Tons of gameplay to keep you busy for hundreds of hours
End game moments do have their share of difficulty spikes
This is not only one of the best RPGs of its generations, this has easily become one of my all time favorite games. Everything from the style, to the combat, the music, the characters, the story. Everything here just clicks with me. This is easily the most refined and fleshed out Persona game to date. It keeps much of the same mechanics as past games in the series while tightening up core gameplay and offering uniquely crafted dungeons compared to Persona’s 3 and 4. It positively oozes style and personality, and the soundtrack hasn’t left my brain since my first playthrough. The story and themes of the game, while far from subtle, are incredibly compelling. Each of the characters and little side stories are unique and interesting in their own way. You’re not gonna be able to see everything the game has to offer in a single sitting, making it great for replayability.
Conclusion: I will be hard-pressed to find many other RPGs that impressed me as much as this game. Do yourself a favor and buy this game.
…okay, wait for The Royal edition of this game to come out, THEN buy it. If you are an RPG fan you owe yourself at least one playthrough.
Those visuals... wow
That soundtrack... wow
The ultimate laidback game, very relaxing
Easy to stop playing and pick up again after a few weeks
Jrpg combat pretty streamlined
Too much repeating dialogue
Some minor mechanics a bit convoluted
I’m not really into JRPG’s
I’m not really into anime
I’m not really into dating sims
I’m not really into turn based combat
despite all that I’m 100% into Persona 5, and it’s my favorite game I played last year. That should give you an image of it’s qualities.
That being said, it’s a game you play in a weird way, it’s nothing out of the ordinary to stop playing for a month before picking it up again (it’s story is quite long). This goes perfectly with it’s laid back attitude while playing. The music is top notch and the pace is as fast as you want to play.
Stylish, fast paced gameplay for a turn based, nice soundtrack
A lot of "sims/Dating sim" type stuff to get to the actual gameplay
Philosophical anime RPG adventure about learning to be more faithful to your true identity. Touches on some deeper/heavier psychological elements which may be triggers for some people. Unfortunately the pacing of the game could be better.
An amazing story.
Evolutionary combat.
great social simulator
none :)
Persona 5 was one of the most anticipated SMT games.
It was a game worth sinking 120+ hours of your life and feeling a sense of accomplishment.
So this was EASILY the longest game I’ve played, I thought I would never put that much time into a game again… but it was pretty great. Overall I’d say the story was slightly weaker in the end than P4, but the presentation, the streamlining of annoying stuff from the last game, the sweet, SWEET visual style pretty much even everything out. It was just SOOOOOOOO long. I would’ve given it probably a 9.5 if it was about… 25 hours shorter- but in the end I’m really glad I played it- amazing game.
Score Breakdown
“The Tale”
Story- 8
Pacing- 6
Characters- 7
Originality- 8
Linearity- 9
Length- 6
Epicness- 7
“The Presentation”
Visuals- 10
Display- 10
Music- 9
Sound FX- 9
“The Mechanics”
Ease of Use- 8
Innovation- 9
Replayability- 7
The game takes a welcome step away from Persona 4. whilst keeping the formula that grew to be the cult hit. It would not be wrong to say that this feels like the game is a step closer to the main SMT line and earlier persona games, with the re-introduction of persona enemies and negotiation, however, the answers for negotiation seems less random than in previous games. The game is beatuiful and only rarely did I become fed up with the long animations. Social links feel better than ever now that each social link provides noticeable abilities to help with progression, making it harder to decide who to talk to. I think the weakest section of the game would be the palaces themselves. They feel very hit or miss. The first dungeon was an excellent introduction to the palaces, but I feel only one other palace was as well designed. The rest of them either felt like a boring or very tedious, with the last couple having to be done in two sittings (not days, but physical game sittings) which is a rarity at this point. Looking back the introduction seemed to be very drawn out, and it would be a problem not to mention the seemingly artificial amount of time taken away from you by the cat if any story-beat’s happen during the day.
I would not argue if someone told me that this was their favourite persona game, but I don’t think I can say the same. Anyone with a love of RPG’s should have this game in their collection