Dinkey is mayor of a town called ‘Dinksville’… well not for long, but he’s not going down without a fight. Maybe not a fight, but he’s not going down easily. Why should he be scared of an election you may ask. The truth is, he’s a corrupt mayor and a rubbish leader, but is he the worse candidate? Of course not. He’s less of a threat than the sadistic Kinky King Yahbus. Dinkey must save the town from a possible, horrible tyranny, but how? By sandboxing, platforming and puzzling of course as well as changing his bad image by solving the towns problems with those gameplay styles and poking fun at gaming as a whole. Meet seven major characters with varying personalities and their own stories each with their own chance at the spotlight of gameplay. Think of it like a nod to Conker’s Bad Fur Day with it’s humour and platforming style.
PDDS (Pinkey Dinkey & Doodle Show) was developed by Dinkeytom
PDDS (Pinkey Dinkey & Doodle Show) was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux,XONE,X360,PS4,PS3,VITA,WiiU
PDDS (Pinkey Dinkey & Doodle Show) is a Single Player game