## Description
_Pasta Wars: Pasta Blasta_ is a single screen shooter where you are Heinz
‘Hurricane’ Solo and must protect six ravioli tins from being taken off screen
by Pasta Pinchas, by shooting a limited amount of Pasta Powda in a Sauce
Squirter. You move around the screen by holding down forward while being able
to turn 360 degrees, and if you let go off forward then momentum keeps you
moving until you stop. The Pinchas appear of the edge of the screen and move
around towards a tin and when they stop above one then they start to move
towards the edge of the screen with the tin. As you blast, then your Pasta
Powda decreases shown by a gauge but catching a Pasta Powda Pill increases it,
but if you shoot the pill then the Pinchas get it. You are also armed with
three Pasta Pellet’s which stops all Pinchas on the screen but you are able to
keep moving. If you touch a Pinchas or a tin then you lose one of seven lives
and you appear in the place of a tin. Two players can play with each player
taking it in turns to play when the other player loses a life and there are 10
skill levels (0-9) to choose from at the start of the game.