The friendship’s love between Pancake and Paçoca. Discover a true friendship story between two distant friends in this innovative puzzle game, told in 5 handmade illustrated scenes. Have a calm and relaxing experience.
## About This Game
Cats are amazing and lonely friends; dogs are silly and playful friends. It’s
no different in Pancake and Paçoca’s story.
Pancake’s a stray abandoned cat who found an unlikely great friend in Paçoca,
and together they’ve gone through many challenges and great adventures. Embark
on this friendship and enjoy several moments with Pancake and Paçoca in this
jigsaw puzzle .
* Get involved in this story about friendship, with moments of unlikely coincidence, uncertainty, and proximity.
* A game for everyone from easy to difficult levels.
* Relax with beautiful handmade illustrations and an exclusive and engaging soundtrack.
* Features include zooming in on the full scene, highlighting the puzzle’s edge pieces, shuffling the remaining pieces, hinting.
* Complete the puzzle and unlock the image for download.
* Use it as your desktop background to inspire your day!
* If you love cats, dogs, or puzzles, play it!