## Description
_Pair Off_ is a card game where the aim is to have only one card left on the
table. The game starts with two cards on the table and the rest in the deck to
the right. Cards can be paired off in 4 ways:
* Cards next to each other can be paired off according to suit.
* Cards next to each other can be paired off according to rank.
* Cards that are three spaces apart can be paired off according to suit.
* Cards that are three spaces apart can be paired off according to rank.
In addition to this cards may only be moved from a lower place to a higher
place. A help function shows the player a possible move if there is such a
move. At most 18 cards may be on the table at any given time. Once all the
cards from the deck is dealt and the player can’t make any more moves the
player has to press the help button. If there are no more moves then it’s game
over and the player will be presented with the game statistics.
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