Someone has taken Olieribos Station hostage. H-14 is here to take it back in Out-Class Hunter — A fast paced platformer that brings back things like hub worlds and fast gameplay!
## About This Game
Out-Class Hunter is a story that follows the Bounty Hunter H-14 “Winona”
tasked with taking down a mysterious mercenary who has taken the biome
research space station Olieribos hostage. This mercenary has completely
flooded the station with his deadly robots. Luckily for H-14 for every one she
takes down she gets a bigger reward.
## Features
* Fast Paced Gameplay
* Bounty System! – You gain reward instead of points! Every robot destroyed ,Boss Defeated ,Stage cleared ,Pickups Picked! gains you more reward! However being a bounty hunter ain’t easy. Negative actions like Taking Damage, and Dying will make you lose reward and even go into debt!.
* Spend that reward! – Sometimes you’ll need to pay your way to success. You can buy extra checkpoints ,health, and sometimes you can only reach certain areas with enough reward.
* Oil for the Oil God!?!?!
* Hub World! – Explore the Space Station,Spend your rewards, and Discover Secrets!
* A Secret Stage in every chapter!!!