## Description
_Ossie_ is a single screen action game where the player is in control of an
osprey. The osprey has five chicks located in a nest at the top of a tree
located on the left side of the screen and the player’s task is to feed them
with fish to prevent them from starving. At the bottom of the screen is a
river where fish swim in lines from left to right. Fish are caught by
positioning the osprey at the right height and pressing the fire button to
make it dive. The height decides which row of fish can be reached. Once a fish
has been caught it has to be flown and dropped into the nest. The time is
limited and if the fish is not delivered within twenty seconds a chick will
die. Additionally there is a poacher that occasionally climbs the tree in an
attempt to steal a chick. When it happens the osprey has to fly into it to
make it fall down or a life will be lost.