## Description
_Ortotris_ is a Tetris variant. The game takes place in the same manner
except that the player does not stack bricks but words. The player’s task is
to choose the correct spelling. The correct spelling indicated at the bottom
of the screen needs to be selected from different choices by using the left or
right cursor keys. The game highlights a part of the word the player needs to
decide on. If correct, the selection is deleted, if not, it remains. On the
right side of the screen displays the percentage of correctness of the
answers. The game ends with the degree of exposure.The game has a mode of
practice and theory of all types of polish spelling.
The Amiga version of the game and DOS v2.0 (released as a part of the
Ortomania compilation) include the Ortowpis editor, which allows players to
add new words to the dictionary.