### What is it?
OpenTomb is a **cross-platform reimplementation of classic Tomb Raider 1 –5 engines** that were developed by now defunct **Core Design**. It is **not** a patcher or DLL extension of already existing engines.
### What’s the features?
* Modern collision approach: engine gets collision not from floor data , but directly from room mesh data. Static mesh and movable collision is also calculated on the fly and is not taken from pre-defined bounding boxes.
* Integrated LUA scripting is extensively used by OpenTomb for flexible item, trigger and general gameplay programming on a per-level basis.
* Audio engine: PC versions of Tomb Raider had no environmental audio effects, like echo, reverb or occlusions. OpenTomb successfully reimplements all these. Soundtrack player uses three-channel automatic handling, which allows to play background ambience, action music and speech all at the same time without interruptions.
* Cross-platform compatibility: OpenTomb is being written in C++ using unified interfaces like SDL 2.0, OpenGL and OpenAL, so it can be made compatible with any common platform, like Linux or Mac.
### Does it use original source code?
The project does not use any old Tomb Raider source code, because all attempts to retrieve sources from Eidos / Core were in vain, despite many petitions by the community. Instead, everything is being developed completely from scratch.
However, we’re extensively using official and unofficial editing tools, as well as bits of original debug mappings to restore and reverse-engineer game mechanics.
### Has it something to do with OpenRaider?
OpenTomb uses certain legacy routines from such unfinished open-source projects as **OpenRaider** and **VT project ** (found at icculus.org), plus it incorporates some code from Quake Tenebrae.
### What it can load?
OpenTomb supports level files from all retail Tomb Raider PC versions. Additionally, demo versions of TR1-4 are partially supported. Aside from this, it supports custom levels built with TRLE and Dxtre3d level editors. However, it doesn’t support encrypted NGLE levels.
OpenTomb was developed by OpenTomb developers
OpenTomb was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux
OpenTomb is a Single Player game