“One Square at a Time” is programmed in Python2.7 using pygame, therefore it should be easy to port to lots of other operating systems, but I can’t test that at the moment, since I’m doing the work on my desktop Linux PC.
The goal of the game is to enhance and train my Python and pygame programming.
**Features I’m working on:**
* User maps
\- Make it easy to create customized maps (and levels).
* Error handling
\- At the moment there is no such thing as error handling. If you do something the game does not like at all, it’s out aka crash.
* Jumping animation
\- Make an animation when the player is jumping
\- Make a GUI so the game is easy accessible
* Cross-Platform
\- Since Python and pygame is already cross-platform, this should not be a big problem. Until I’ve ported it successfully, Linux will be the only stated supported OS.
* Ideas are appreciated. Feel free to post ideas.
One Square at a Time was developed by MarcusM
One Square at a Time was Released on Linux,Mobile
One Square at a Time is a Single Player game