2D platform game with minimalist pixel art graphics, create platforms and shoot a lot to defeat several bosses that have invaded your castle and are trying to destroy your city.
## About This Game
2D platform game with minimalist graphics in Pixel art, your goal is to climb
the castle while defeating various bosses that try to prevent your passage.
With each floor you pass the game will present you with increasingly difficult
bosses to defeat, add this to dialogs that portray the history of this
universe and an extremely difficult difficulty for the vast majority of
To defeat these bosses you have the following abilities:
* Create Platforms Underneath You.
* Shoot.
* Dash.
* Jump and Duck
* 2d Movement.
The graphics of the game has a focus mostly on the colors black, white,
grayscale and red, in some parts of the game other colors may appear but are
almost null.
During the game you follow the point of view of the White Pixel who is having
his city attacked, you as a good emperor must stop the enemy and if you have a
thirst for knowledge can try to find out what caused all this chaos.
One Pixel The War Begins is our second game presenting this very interesting
universe of Pixels, unlike its older brother this game has a much wider
variety of Phases, mechanics, Enhancements, Characters and more.