This is additional content for OMORI, but does not include the base game.
## About This Content
The soundtrack of OMORI, 179 tracks composed by Pedro Silva, Jami Lynne, and
bo en.
01 Title * 02 WHITE SPACE * 03 Lost At A Sleepover * 04 Spaces In-between * 05
By Your Side. * 06 Let’s Get Together Now! * 07 100 Sunny * 08 Trouble Brewing
* 09 Push & Shove * 10 So, How’d We Do? * 11 It’s Okay To Try Again… * 12
Trees… * 13 A Home For Flowers (Tulip) * 14 Acrophobia * 15 Tussle Among Trees
* 16 A Place By A Lake * 17 Forest Chillin’ * 18 Poems In The Fog * 19 Space
Road 1979 * 20 See In Your Fantasy * 21 Sugar Star Planetarium * 22 Lost, Then
Concept! * 25 Lovesick – 80,000 Lightyears * 26 I Will Catch Up! * 27 Three
Bar Logos * 28 YO DJ PUMP THIS PARTY * 29 Good For Health, Bad For Imagination
* 30 Snow Forest – A Single Flower Blooms * 31 White Surf Style 6 * 32
Stardust Diving * 33 Oh My God. * 34 A Rose By Any Other Name… * 35 Stardust
Dusting * 36 CHAOS ASSEMBLY * 37 The Elegance of the Mysterious and Distant *
38 Space Boyfriend’s Tape – I Want Nothing More * 39 Trouble – NEVER/ALWAYS *
40 You Were Wrong. Go Back. * 41 Such A Time We Had Together * 42 Photograph *
43 Finding Shapes in the Clouds * 44 Where We Used To Play * 45 Bargain Bin
Boys * 46 Woof * 47 Realistic Space Simulation * 48 Jash Bash * 49 Jash Bash
2: New Age of Heroes * 50 Jash Bash 3: Jashpocalypse Infinity * 51 Clash of
Jash * 52 Take A Load Off * 53 I Prefer My Pizza 90% Grease * 54 Fresh…ish…
* 55 High Fructose Headache * 56 I Think My Dad Shops Here… * 57 Just Leave Me
Alone * 58 Cram It Wad * 59 Respite * 60 It Means Everything. * 61 See You
Tomorrow * 62 A Home For Flowers (Empty) * 63 Help Me * 64 Arachnophobia * 65
Something, Alone * 66 Fade * 67 The Heart of the Desert * 68 Puddles * 69
PRANKED. * 70 An Archaeic Resonance * 71 ‘X’ Marks The Spot! * 72 Those Who
Forget History * 73 Tumbleweeds * 74 Pyrefly Forest – Cat’s Cradle * 75 Forest
Frenzy * 76 Sweet Paralysis * 77 Sweetheart’s Quest For Hearts * 78 How…sad!
* 79 How…tragic! * 80 Eternal Dungeon * 81 Splintered Sweets In The Castle *
82 Wandering Rose * 83 Stationary Rose * 84 Valour Against All Odds * 85 I
Definitely Promised You A Rose Garden * 86 World’s End Valentine * 87 I Just
Love The 50s!!! * 88 Lost Library * 89 Bookcase * 90 Thrifted Tchotchkes * 91
Swirly 1000x * 92 Dear Little Brother… * 93 Thalassophobia * 94 Water * 95
Hanging With The Boys * 96 WHITE SPACE * 97 Origin * 98 Long Way Down… * 99
The Last Resort * 100 Not-So-Empty-House * 101 It’s A Ghost Dance * 102 Room
For 4 * 103 Gator Gambol * 104 Clams Clams Clams * 105 Jawbreaker * 106
GOLDENVENGEANCE * 107 Underwater Highway * 108 Squall * 109 Aquifer * 110
Numbers * 111 Sinking * 112 H20:HCL * 113 Chemistry On And On * 114 But I
Wanna See It All With You! * 115 Grimey * 116 Underwater Prom Queens * 117
Whale Whale Whale * 118 Swallow Hollow * 119 Gross… * 120 That One Song But
It’s Some Mermaids * 121 Undertow * 122 WHITE SPACE * 123 Fermentation
Disorientation * 124 Flouring With You * 125 BREADY STEADY GO * 126 Recyling
Really Is A Concept * 127 Remember to Be Patient * 128 Cold! * 129 You Cannot
Go Back * 130 Tee-hee Time * 131 Welcome Again. * 132 Fleur * 133 Distance *
134 Drone * 135 Calm * 136 Glade * 137 56-12-2 * 138 Bloom * 139 August/Water
* 140 5ths * 141 Waiting For… * 142 Nawa * 143 White Pillars * 144 Come and
See * 145 Friends. * 146 Friendsssssss. * 147 Orchard * 148 Temple * 149 Look
* 150 Bad Morning * 151 Listening * 152 A Red Shape * 153 Do You Remember? *
154 Playing Forever * 155 Treehouse – Here We Are, Together Again * 156 Save *
157 Something * 158 A Home For Flowers (Daisy) * 159 Remina * 160 Normal. *
161 Your Catastrophes * 162 Your Catastrophes – Procession * 163 Crossroads *
164 The Violin * 165 A Home For Flowers (Sunflower) * 166 You Must Carry On. *
167 Remembrance. * 168 OMORI * 169 OMORI – ALTER * 170 Try Again Little
Brother * 171 Persevere * 172 DUET * 173 Gone * 174 Wake Up * 175 Clean Slate
* 176 The Truth * 177 Good Morning * 178 My Time * 179 Fin
Minimum System Requirements | ||
HDD Space | 1 GB available space |
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