NEVERDEAD begins in the waking hours of peace and calm, when the world is under threat of being consumed by a demonic plague. Centuries have passed since the world succumbed to an unforeseen shadow of evil, and a hero was made an immortal by demons. These demons have risen once again in the present day causing unrelenting mayhem reinforced by destructible environments within the game. Now using his immortalic regenerative powers re-assembling his own body to evade death, the hero carries out the only salvation the world will know, for he is Never Dead.
Game Analysis | 500 years ago,a demon hunter and his wife challenged the demon king in a battle. Losing the battle and the love of his life,the demon hunter was rendered immortal by the demon king.His name is Bryce. Brokenhearted with no purpose in life,yet not even permitted to die.Now he hunts weaker demons to earn small change for his daily drinks. Although there is no need for him to eat.The Evil forces now grow stronger and a dark shadow approaches closer… | |
Optimization Score | 10 |
Release Dates
2012-Jan-31 - Playstation 3 - North america
2012-Feb-03 - Playstation 3 - Europe
2012-Jan-31 - Xbox 360 - Worldwide
2012-Jan-31 - PlayStation 3 - Worldwide
Game Modes
Game Themes
Player Perspectives
Alternative names
achievements,action one-liners,action-adventure,air duct,ammo,barrier,basketball hoop,bed,bink video,blocking,body regeneration,boss fight,bosses,bullet time,card lock,collectibles,comedy,cooperative play,crosshair,cutscene,demon hunter,destructible environment,detachable body parts,difficulty achievement,difficulty level,digital distribution,dismemberment,dolby digital,door,downloadable content,dual wielding,e3 2010,e3 2011,electricity,elevator,experience points,exploding barrel,extreme violence,fantasy,fmg9,games on demand,graffiti,heads up display,heavy metal,high definition graphics,horde mode,horror,immortality,jump,keycard,late title card,leaderboard,loading screens,message on the wall,monsters,online,over the shoulder,pistol,polygonal 3d,profanity,revealing attire,revive,right-stick combat,roll,sci-fi,secret achievements,severed head,severed limbs,sexualized women,shooter,staircase,stretcher,submachine gun,subtitles,Switch,sword,table,third-person perspective,tokyo game show 2011,trash can,usable detached body parts,voice acting,voice chat,wheelchair,wooden chair,zoom
ESRB Age rating

This is an action game in which players assume the role of Bryce Boltzman, an immortal demon hunter on a quest to save the world from a demonic invasion. From a third-person perspective, players use swords, pistols, and machine guns to kill demons and enemy creatures in both ranged and melee-style combat. Battles are accompanied by realistic gunfire, explosions, screams of pain, and large splashes of blood; enemies are sometimes hacked into pieces. One gameplay mechanic involves the frequent dismemberment of Bryce (e.g., getting hit by a car or helicopter blade and reduced to scattered body parts); players can manipulate, regenerate, and reassemble dismembered limbs to solve environmental puzzles and complete battle sequences. Some cutscenes also depict intense acts of violence: a rival getting beheaded with a sword; a companion getting impaled in slow motion. The words “sh*t,” “a*s,” and “b*tch” can be heard in the dialogue.
PEGI Age rating

RebellionRebellion DevelopmentsNeverdead
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achievementsaction one-linersaction-adventureair ductammobarrierbasketball hoopbedbink videoblockingbody regenerationboss fightbossesbullet timecard lockcollectiblescomedycooperative playcrosshaircutscenedemon hunterdestructible environmentdetachable body partsdifficulty achievementdifficulty leveldigital distributiondismembermentdolby digitaldoordownloadable contentdual wieldinge3 2010e3 2011electricityelevatorexperience pointsexploding barrelextreme violencefantasyfmg9games on demandgraffitiheads up displayheavy metalhigh definition graphicshorde modehorrorimmortalityjumpkeycardlate title cardleaderboardloading screensmessage on the wallmonstersonlineover the shoulderpistolpolygonal 3dprofanityrevealing attirereviveright-stick combatrollsci-fisecret achievementssevered headsevered limbssexualized womenshooterstaircasestretchersubmachine gunsubtitlesSwitchswordtablethird-person perspectivetokyo game show 2011trash canusable detached body partsvoice actingvoice chatwheelchairwooden chairzoom
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