A game that makes use of Google Street View Panoramas for you to hack real people in real places. It’s a point-n-tap, investigation game where you have to identify people by seeing theirs chats, passwords and pics!
[For Android]
Download now! It’s totally free https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.loyalsheep.Natives
Grey and Violet (his counterpart) are extraordinary humans. They can see everything virtual around us (and them) as if it's something physical (at least physical to our eyes). In 1993, project_VIRTUAL initiated by MASSNET (with Ranjit as its CEO, and he still is...) enabled Grey and Violet to see virtual data in the real world (in thin air) that are generally encrypted and invisible to our eyes (it's electomagnetic waves we are talking about). That means, they can see our chats, passwords, images etc, all travelling around us, natively. Grey and Violet run a website in which clients from all over the world come to share their problems with them. That includes stealing web history from someone's computer, deleting someone's project, various kinds of cybercrimes and a lot more.
The best thing about Natives (which means about Violet and Grey) is that they are anonymous to everyone. No one knows them or has seen (and recognized) them, ever! Even Ranjit (CEO of MASSNET) thinks that project_VIRTUAL was a faliure!