OneShota (Elder Girl x Younger Boy) ObaShota (Mature Woman x Young Boy) LoliShota (Young Girl x Young Boy)
ShotaShota (Young Boy x Young Boy) (* You can turn off the BL content if you wish) Various situations await you! Handjob, titjob, fellatio, missionary, cowgirl style, anal sex, sleep sex / mischief, etc!
All erotic scenes are After Effects Animation with sound effects and including variations contain 350+! (* Cross-section cuts can be turned ON / OFF as you please)
Multiple endings, difficulty options and New Game+ features! For both those that want an easy to complete game and those that want a challenge with lots of replay-ability. – Reminiscence mode, achievement medals included! The insect battle mode, has an original unconventional system. For those that dislike insects, their pixel art can be changed. Message skip, sound level adjustment, battle fast forwarding, key config and other such user friendly features included!!

My Secret Summer Vacation
The big mechanic in this is time passage, which is rarely a fun mechanic for me. People have schedules and you have to be sure to talk to this person on this day at this time and its just needlessly annoying unless its like Succubus Prison where its limited. Thankfully, only a small number of events in this are limited by day. Time passage though is annoying as you don’t get a decent way to advance time until you get about halfway through the combat part of the game. So if you need to wait until the night(a lot of events require you to wait until night at someones place), you will just sit there or move between screens as that usually advances time until you hit your goal and things happen. Only two girls have difficult ways to sleep with them, the rest are usually two step processes once you figure out how to meet them.
There is combat in this vacation. Bug combat. The kids on the island have a bug tournament and you jump right into it. It’s basically Rock paper scissors with a heal option and some skills in the paper group can block other options. You can collect better bugs and level them up to hit harder but its really just get lucky with some small degree of tactics thrown in. Winning fights tends to unlock more options for island exploration.
And that’s the main mechanics. Other then that you collect cans for money and run around trying to get into the girls(and a guys) pants. No real goal other then sleep with everyone and get achievements, a few of which let you skip sidequests on NG’s.
H and Other stuff
There’s about 3 real character models in the game. Child, teen and adult. For the most part all the characters who fall into the same model group have the same animations for their scenes with just different text and hair color. Scenes work in animation goes then stops, some text plays and then repeat until done. Text is mostly the girl making comments about the guys penis. You can also sleep attack the girls once you get the right stuff, but all those scenes play out the same exact way.
So while there are a lot of scenes in total in the game, a lot of them are basically just the same scene with a different coat of hair color. Nothing really exciting once you unlock the first few you’ve basically seen them all.
Verdict and Save
Didn’t care of this really. It was something different so I played it and while I don’t regret it it wasn’t really fun. A lot of time was spent just waiting for night to hit as on NG+ you run out of things to do during the day fast. The patch also comes with a walkthrough that takes out any challenge or mystery the game has which just leaves its bad writing and not fun gameplay.
So on the note of writing, I wish translators would understand when to not localize. So one of the achievements in this game is get 10 marbles. How do you do that? Drink lemonade. Does lemonade usually come with marbles? No. Ramune does. Ramune is not the same as lemonade. The packaging at the very least is completely different. On the other hand, having every character be called sister or aunt is silly. I know its a Japanese thing to call older women sister and mother age women aunt when you are a kid. That is not a western thing and does not work. It’s the same issue with adding sir and ma’am to everything because they had honorifics in Japanese. That’s not how English works. If you are going to translate Onee-san and oba-san, then figure out something else. Sensibly the kid would call most of the girls miss, like kids actually do. If that sounds bad then leave them as onee-san and oba-san as those work better as titles then sister and aunt do. I know this is a silly distinction, but its a culture thing and a personal peeve of mine. Honorifics and what kids call adults differs in different countries so if you are going to localize those, look at your own country/target language and make your choice based on that.
It’s not like the the rest of script was great either(stilted and a number of typos) but those were my main issues. Reading Kimono aunt just sounds silly, same with blonde sister. And since no one in the game has a name beyond the kids and a ghost, you have a lot of weird titles that don’t sound good.
Save has all achievements and scenes unlocked in the diary section at the main menu. Should also have a NG+ with all the bugs.
● Acquiring the Character Events
※ The number of conversations per character is one per day.
・Older Sister
!” Tal# to $youta at night %nd time” and listen to the tal# about the hole in
the roof.
%” &et’een %! and %% o(cloc#) e*amine the tree behind the house and peep into the
+” ,ind the (-aga/ine( and obtain 0Se* #no’ledge0 and 0asturbation 1no’ledge0
※The location of the boo# is mentioned later.
2″ Sleep at home and have dream se*.
※ 3t is O1 to do -stuff other than masturbation before having dream se*. 3n that
case) the dream se* even ‘ill not occur.
4″ After having dinner) drin# coffee) then do mischief to (Older Sister(.
5″ Older Sister(s room ‘ill be open from 6788 to !6788) so chec# up on sleeping
Older Sister.
※ !” and %”) +” and 2″ can be done in any order) but the order upto 4″ is
E9: After tal#ing to the Older Sister about the sunflo’er field 5th time”) go to
the sunflo’er field at the +8th.
!” ,ind (-aga/ine() then obtain (asturbation 1no’ledge(.
%” Acquire 58 or more good child points ※ o’ to store :ood Child ;oints is
mentioned later.
+” &efore going to bed) drin# coffee) then go to Aunt(s room in the middle of
the night and pee# at her ‘hile masturbating.
2″ After ‘itnessing the masturbation scene once more) an event occurs.
4″ After that) after every day) the action is escalated
hand<breast<mouth<butt<actual”) so going until the actual event completes the event. ※3f you do not have the #no’ledge for any of the actions) you can obtain it through this event too. ※!” and %” can be done in any order. ・Shop#eeper” Sister !” Complete the gacha set ※ This achievement ‘ill be handed over so it is unnecessary after the %nd ‘ee#. ※=ou cannot dra’ the same item thrice from the :acha but you need to leave the :acha once to ma#e it happen”. %” $eport it to the Sister. +” After that is the ‘inning stic# se*. E9 !”7 After having tal#ed more than 4 times) or if you have had already se*) an overnight stay event ‘ill occur if you stay in the shop after !6788. E9 %”7 After having tal#ed more than 4 times) or if you have had already se*) an event ‘ill occur on the +8th. ・&londe Sister !” 3f you try crossing the bridge at the nothern part of the map) you ‘ill be able to cross it. %” After defeating =asu#e + times in the $eal &attle) then defeating the ost >alued One) you ‘ill be able to ride the boat.
+” ,rom %8th to %6th) you ‘ill find &londe Sister after riding straight up on the
boat ‘hich lies on the nothern coast.
2″ Tal# to &londe Sister t’ice.
E9 !”: An overnight stay event ‘ill occur if you stay in the island after !6788.
E9 %”7 An event ‘ill occur if you tal# to her at the %6th.
E9 +”7After completing the event ‘ith ysterious Sister) a small event ‘ill occur
if you tal# to the &londe Sister.
※!” and %” can be done in any order.
・1imono Aunt
!” ,aint in front of the one-storeyed ‘ooden house ‘here a lot of pin# flo’ers
are blooming.
※ Easy to do if you use something li#e (Old $ice &alls(.
%” An event occurs if you stay in 1imono Aunt(s house past !6788.
+” Ta#e a bath together from %!788 to %%788.
2″ After ta#ing a bath) an event occurs if you tal# to 1imono Aunt before going
to bed.
E9 !7 Av event occurs ‘hen tal#ing to the 1imono Aunt at the +8th.
E9 %7 An event occurs ‘hen tal#ing to 1imono Aunt more than 4 times.
・egane(s other
!” After defeating egane(s ost >alued One) you ‘ill be able to go into his
%” After leaving the secret base) the t’o-storeyed house at the left side of the
map is egane(s house.
+” An event occurs if you stay in egane(s house after !6788.
2″ An event occurs if you enter the bath alone.
!” ,ind (-aga/ine( and obtain (?oli 1no’ledge(.
%” After acquiring %8 or more :ood Child ;oints) tal# to the Aunt ‘ho is cleaning
the house !%788 to !4788″ and get (>aseline(.
+” The nights ‘hen Aunt has drun# (Sa#e( !@th) %%nd) %4th”) an event occurs
above the map of the house ne*t to ime(s house.
2″ in the 3nsect &attle Tournament ※ 3f you do the +rd event) an even occurs at
the victory.
4″ ,rom %6th to %@th) if you go to the Secret &ase) ime ‘ill be there) so tal#
to her.
5″ =ou ‘ill be invited to ime(s home) then play hide-and-see#.
B” 3f you ‘in at hide-and-see#) ime ‘ill ta#e a bath) so pee# secretly before
ime comes out.
6″ After a ‘hile) ime ‘ill come out of the bath) then tal# to her.
※ !”) %” and +” can be done in any order.
!” ,ind (-aga/ine( then obtain (?oli 1no’ledge(.
%” After acquiring %8 or more :ood Child ;oints) tal# to the Aunt ‘ho is cleaning
the house !%788 to !4788″ and get (>aseline(.
+” Tal# to Chibi ‘ho is alont in the Secret &ase %%nd) %4th) until !+74@” and
get more than 68 points by 0;laying ouse0.
2″ Choose to 0;lay octor0 ‘hen as#ed to play.
※ !”) %” and +” can be done in any order.
・$youta ※Only ‘hen &? mode is on
!” ,ind (-aga/ine( then obtain (?oli 1no’ledge(.
%” hen Older Sister is7
・;retending to be asleep
・Ta#ing a bath)
3nvestigate the boo#shelf of Older Sister(s room) get (Older Sister(s Secret
&oo#( and obtain 0&? 1no’ledge0.
+” After acquiring %8 or more :ood Child ;oints) tal# to the Aunt ‘ho is cleaning
the house !%788 to !4788″ and obtain (>aseline(.
2″ After !%788) $youta ‘ill be in his room so tal# to him.
※ !” and %” can be done in any order and you can get (>aseline( at any time.
・ysterious Sister DDD”
!” ?isten to the fol#lore from the old lady ‘ho is at the right of the map of
1imono(s Aunt house 4 times) morning only”.
%” itness a ghost li#e thing from !B788 to !6788 more than + times at7
・The field ‘here you can get 0Some #ind of ,lo’er0
・Entrance of a cave near the Secret &ase
・orthern Coast This event ‘on(t occur if you are on a boat”
・The map before the sunflo’er field The place ‘here you can find the (ooden
+” ,rom !!788 to !%788) the nothern coast ‘here you can ride a boat) a cave ‘ill
appear at the cliff near the top right corner of the
sea here the ‘ater is unnaturally shallo'”
※ &y this time) you ‘ill have to collect all the cats) get the (?antern() then
pass through the cave to go to this place.
※ The location of the cats is mentioned later.
2″Enter the cave) then chec# the door furthest at the bac#.
※ !” and %” can be done in any order.
● ?ocations of the (-aga/ine( The third maga/ine you find ‘ill automatically be
an ->ideo”
・Secret &ase
・On the ‘ay of the stairs leading to the orthern Coast
・&ehind the house on the coast) ‘hich lies under the cove that in front of the
・The brea#’ater you can reach from that coast
・The big la#e you ‘ill reach from the lo’er right area of the cove
・,rom ‘here you can ride the boat) the coast that lies at the e*treme upper
right corner
・3nside the cave near the secret base.
・The ruins you reach after repairing the bridge
● ?ocations of the cats
!” The map in ‘hich the old lady tal#s about the fol#lore
%” ;ort
+” &rea#’ater
2″ $uins
4″ &ig ?a#e
5″ A (T(-Function ’here there lies a rice field) etc.” ‘hich is at the right of
$youta(s house
B” Cemetry
6″ Stairs of the shrine
@” ,rom ‘here you can ride the boat) the coast that lies at the e*treme upper
right corner
!8″ Sunflo’er field
!!” The cave near the Secret &ase
!%” The flo’er field ‘here you can get 0Some #ind of ,lo’er0
● o’ to Acquire :ood Child ;oints
・$eturn home before !6788
・Avoid oversleeping and Foin the radio calisthenics
・Ta#e a bath
・&rush the teeth
・:ive the fish you caught to the Aunt ‘ho is in the #itchen !4788 to !6788″
●o’ to sleep rape
!” ,ind (-aga/ine( and obtain (&lo’Fob 1no’ledge(.
%” After acquiring %8 or more :ood Child ;oints) tal# to the Aunt ‘ho is cleaning
the house !%788 to !4788″ and get (>aseline(.
+” After obtaining both of the above) (Sleep $ape 1no’ledge( ‘ill be learned.
2″ :et (Some #ind of ,lo’er( in the flo’er field near the shrine) tal# to the old
lady ‘ho is collecting the cats and it ‘ill turn
into 0Sleep Sleep ,lo’er0.
4″ rin# Coffee before going to sleep.
5″ hile no one is present) investigate the refrigator and put the pollen of
Sleep Sleep ,lo’er 3n the case of &londe Sister) it is
a bottle of (Sa#e(“.
B” a#e up at the middle of the might) and find out ‘ho are asleep.
※ 3n case of ime and Chibi) you need 0?oli 1no’ledge0 and (Sa#e( too Tal# to the
old man ‘ho is near the brea#’ater ‘hen you have
sugar ‘ater” and then ‘hen they are alone) ma#e them drin# (Sa#e( ime7 %!st and
%2th) until !+74@”Chibi7 %%nd and %4th) until
※ 3n case of $youta) you need 0&? 1no’ledge0 too. o (Sa#e( required”.
● o’ to repair the bridge near the Secret &ase
!” E*amine the bridge.
%” &uy (ails( at the shop.
+” After becoming able to ride the boat) go to the map belo’ the sunflo’er field
‘here you can find 0ooden ;lan#0.
2″ Tal# to the boatman ‘ho is at the port !%788 to !+788) !5788 to !B788″.
4″ E*amine the bridge once again.
※ !” to 2″ can be done in any order 2″ is after e*amining the bridge”
●o’ to collect 3nsects
!” in against the ost >alued One of :on) Chibi) =asu#e ost >alued One appears
after defeating the characters in ($eal &attle( +
%” Tal# to =asu#e ‘ho is in front of the insect tree that is near the Secret
+” As# Aunt) ‘ho is in the #itchen !4788 to !6788″ to ma#e (Sugar ater(.
2″ After getting (Sugar ater() tal# to the old man ‘ho is near the brea#’ater
and get (Sa#e(.
4″ &uy a banana in the store
5″ As# Aunt) ‘ho is drying the laundry 6788 to !%788″ and get (Stoc#ing(.
※ =ou can only get (Stoc#ing( after receiving (Sa#e(.
B” =ou can only ma#e (&anana Stoc#ing( after getting both (Sa#e( and (Stoc#ing(
6″ Choose the method you ‘ant to use on the trees
(&anana Stoc#ing( ma#es it easier for strong insects to get caught) but there
are insects you can only get by using (Sugar ater(.
;lease ta#e note if you are aiming for completion”.
You are a kid named Me. You are on summer vacation and you are going to an island your aunt lives on for the break. You meet a sexy girl who ends up living with you and your sexy aunt. You hang out with the local kids, fight with bugs, find mysterious porn mags everywhere, and end up trying to have sex with all 9 girls and your male cousin.