My Little Garden – DEMO was developed by furyfight3r
My Little Garden – DEMO was Released on Windows
My Little Garden – DEMO is a Single Player game
This Game – My Little Garden | A Low Poly Gardening Simulator.
Currently in Prototype Development.
This build is in very early development and not all features are implemented!
Closed BETA – Now Available For FREE!
This game revolves around keeping and maintaining a stable garden, drive around in your little pickup truck, find and discover new seeds and bring the seeds back home to start growing, using ‘throw-away’ plants as compost to make fertilizer to produce better healthier plants, topping up the watering can to help grow the newly sown seeds and sitting back and watching the miracle of mother nature.
For Windows Computers.
If you feel this would be the game for you, be sure to add it to your Itch.IO Collections to be kept informed about release dates ect.
Walk: W,A,S,D
Run: Shift
Interact: Press ‘E’
Pickup: Hold (Left Mouse Button)
Throw: Hold (Right Mouse Button) to aim and Release to Throw.
Rotate Held Item: Mouse Wheel
Convert Rotation Axis: Hold (R) + Mouse Wheel
Crouch: Ctrl
Delete Held Object: X (Developer Debug)
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Hi, My name is Tristan Saffron, aka FuryFight3r, I live in a small town in Australia, Victoria.
Ever since the age of around 10 I’ve been fascinated with anything to do with Technology, anything that said ‘Build your own’ would instantly blow my mind.
I started off building Websites (From known hosts such as webs ect) when i was in Primary School (Middle School for the US people), then later moved on to Hosting/Coding Game Servers such as RSPS, Arma II’s DayZ, Arma II’s Island Life, yes even at one point Minecraft Servers, For a few of these servers I started creating Websites from scratch, doing all the HTML coding myself and not through a website builder.
From then went on to create my own YouTube channel to post my adventures along the way, the channel later moved on from random day to day videos to a more Gaming Style Channel in the last year or so.
As of the moment I am 22 Years of age, I run my own Computer Service/Repair Tech Business called WangTech other than YouTube Ad Revenue this is my source of income to feed my Money Hungry Lifestyle.
It has been hard for me to pursue my passion for Technology, with next to no support from family and friends (having little to no interest in technology the way I do), they just switch off and don’t care about what I have to say, weather it be about my youtube channel sky rocketing or plummeting in views/ ad revenue, game development, or even just playing a game.
But above the lack of support, I am determined to make something of myself by doing this, I am determined to stick to it and keep pushing through, it doesnt matter what people think, they have their way of a happy life, I have mine.