## Description
_MultiPlayer BattleTech: Solaris_ is an on-line only game that was available
from the mid 1990’s, in it up to eight players engage in mechanised combat..
Behind the game is a complex story covering the rise and fall of space empires
over several centuries. What this leads to is the establishment if a gaming
industry based on Solaris VII in which players representing the main Successor
Houses compete battle in heavily armed and armoured BattleMech. There is an
in-game map which represents the areas on Solaris VII where the Successor
Houses have their enclaves. The player starts the game by travelling to a
district and finding an arena where they select their BattleMech, there are
five arenas in each district and around eighty BattleMechs to choose from.
When all players have chosen their machine and the side they are fighting for
they are dropped into the arena and the battle begins.
The game area consists of a main viewing area which occupied the majority of
the upper part of the screen and has a bank of controls and warning lights to
both left and right. Beneath the main screen are three displays which show
systems information, a radar screen, and damage indicators.
The game installation process prompts for an Internet Service Provider which
is essential in order to play the game, if AOL or CompuServe are installed
they are configured automatically however the game documentation shows that
Netscape and Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 3.0 could be configured manually.
The game also supports player to player communication.
Minimum System Requirements | ||
CPU | Intel i486 DX2 | |
VRAM | 2 MB | |
RAM | 8 MB | |
OS | Windows 95 | |
Direct X | DirectX 2 |