## Description
### PlayStation Store Description
Download your MotorStorm™ Coyote Revenge VIP Pass today to receive:
Coyote Revenge – mauled into a completely new experience; more technical, new
routes and more skilful rivals to battle against.
New Tickets – to get the most out of Coyote Revenge try to master these
Revenge Weekend tickets; they cover all difficulty stages and completion will
earn a nice surprise.
2 New Vehicles – a pair of special Revenge Weekend machines, chosen for your
Eliminator Mode – played online yet? In this brand new online multiplayer mode
being last is a REALLY bad idea; if you can’t hack the pace, the consequences
can be quite explosive…
The full version of MotorStorm™ is required in order to use additional
downloadable content.
PLEASE NOTE: this information was correct at the time of publication.
1 Player; 725KB minimum save size; HDTV screen resolution: 720p; Network
Features; Network Players 2-12
Download is subject to the PLAYSTATION®Network Terms of Service/User Agreement
and any specific additional conditions applying to this item. If you do not
wish to accept these terms, do not download this item. One time fee for use of
downloads on up to 2 activated compatible Home Console* systems.
* See Terms of Service for further information.
MotorStorm™ (C)2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. Published by Sony
Computer Entertainment Europe. Developed by Evolution Studios Ltd. MotorStorm
is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. All rights reserved
Always play in a well lit environment. Take regular breaks, 15 minutes every
hour. Discontinue playing if you experience dizziness, nausea, fatigue or have
a headache. Some individuals are sensitive to flashing or flickering lights or
geometric shapes and patterns, may have an undetected epileptic condition and
may experience epileptic seizures when watching television or playing
videogames. Consult your doctor before playing videogames if you have an
epileptic condition and immediately should you experience any of the following
symptoms whilst playing: altered vision, muscle twitching, other involuntary
movement, loss of awareness, confusion and/or convulsions.