## Description
_Blue Label_ is a male version of the original Mother Goose no Himitsu no
Yakata: Nursery Rhymes for You game that came out half a year earlier for the
same platform. While the original game featured a female protagonist with male
NPCs and was focused at a female audience, being an otome game and all, this
game doesn’t really alter the story but adds new a male protagonist and adds
many female heroines to interact with.
The game has several bonuses accessible via the main menu, such as a quiz, BGM
player, gallery and search engine for keywords that relate to the game
providing detailed information. Gameplay-wise, this is a typical romantic
visual novel, but unlike the majority of Japanese-only visual novels, the game
has full English support for subtitles and on-screen text. To speed up the UMD
reading process, the game also has an install option.