Mordon’s Quest
You have a reputation as a worthy and capable adventurer. One day you
encounter an old man named Mordon, who explains that he is one of the Ancient
Ones, who have been guiding universes in a positive way for centuries.
However, they have been dying out through old age, and so have built a time
A younger Ancient One named Bostafer scuppered this, destroying the machine in
the hope of using it to make himself immortal. Can you retrieve all the pieces
from time and space before Bostafer? The pieces have attained mythical status
in some cultures, so retrieving them may not be an easy task.
_Mordon’s Quest_ is a pure-text Interactive Fiction game containing 150
locations and understanding over 400 words. Items you will find early in the
game include a blowpipe, a black pearl and a crystal orb. Commands include
CLIMB, SACRIFICE and INSERT, as well as standard movement and object-retrieval