## Description
_Molar Maul_ is a single player game in which the object is to score points
by fighting tooth decay. In this game the score starts at 1600 and the player
seeks to keep it as low as possible.
The Plot Scientists have established that the teeth in the mouth are under
constant attack from a form of bacteria called Dentorium Kamikazium (a.k.a.
DK), a bacteria that destroys teeth while destroying itself. It has been
learned, however, that though DK appears to die, in fact it does not. DK now
appears to be indestructible, it rejuvenates and comes back to do more damage.
Recent research has developed a new chemical, DKX 11, which interrupts the DK
rejuvenation cycle and can extend the life of the tooth by 90%
The game The player has three toothbrushes / lives and an unlimited supply of
Imagico, a toothpaste containing DKX 11. The game screen is an open mouth.
Sweets and other goodies appear in the centre of the mouth causing the DKs to
wake up and start attacking teeth. The player manouvres the tooth brush onto
the toothpaste tube where a squirt of Imagico is applied, then the toothbrush
is used on the teeth under attack to repel the DKs.
Gameplay The game screen consists of an open mouth with 32 teeth. Teeth start
out white and change colour as they are attacked, moving through the colours
to black when they are destroyed. At the top of the screen is the current
score, represented as a ‘decay level’, and which starts at 1600. This
decreases whenever a tooth is cleaned and increases whenever a tooth is
attacked. The initial condition of the teeth is yellow, not white, so when the
game starts the player already has work to do.
On the top right of the screen is a green bar indicating how much toothpaste
is left in the tube. In the centre of the mouth is a red area where the DKs
live. It is here that sweets and things appear causing the DKs to become
active and attack the teeth. Below this area is the current toothpaste tube to
which the toothbrush must be applied before it can be of any use.