## Description
_Minutemen_ is a 2d side-scrolling brawler designed as a tie-in with the 2009
_Watchmen_ movie based on the comic book series by Alan Moore. The game is
supposedly designed in 1977 by Veidt Enterprises, a fictitious mega
corporation owned by Adrian Viedt (Ozymandias), a character from the series.
The game tells the story of Minutemen, an elite group of costumed heroes that
inspired the formation of Watchmen. Players can choose between two characters,
Nite Owl I or Silk Spectre I, with identical stages. With scan-lined graphics
and a visual style reminiscent of Streets of Rage or Final Fight, both
characters travel through three stages (identical regardless of the chosen
protagonist) with a boss at the end of the final stage.
A character has three lives and the controls are fairly limited (punch, kick,
jump) to take on the enemies. Objects in the environment can be deformed or
trashed as well.