## Description
_Mine8_ has the player cross a minefield. Each turn the player can choose in
what direction to travel and for how long (with a limit of 8.5 seconds). The
player sees only a limited distance and must reach the other side within three
minutes. The distance the player covers depends on his pain level. There are
multiple terrain types that impede vision or slow the player down (clear land,
hills (slows player, but gives larger view), bushes (increase pain and reduce
vision), ledges (cannot be passed), rocks (increase pain after long travel),
lakes (the player must stop and can then start swimming).
Mines usually become visible when the player is near, but due to the turn
based nature of the game it might be too late. Mines can have various effects:
Stun the player, knock unconscious, break a limb, fling the player away, or
instantly kill the player. Mines will also spin the player around making it
hard for the player to see where he or she came from. The player can try to
find tracks left behind in most terrain.
When the player reaches the end a map of the minefield can be printed which
shows the path travelled by the player.